Sunday, September 7, 2014


This week, animals escaped from our classroom!
 We worked quickly to make our binoculars, safari hats, and safari vests!
Fortunately, all the animals along the way were hiding in the most important parts of our school; so we were able to learn where the bathrooms, the music room, the computer lab, the kindergarten wing, the library, the gym, the office/nurse, and the commons/cafeteria is!
We're ready to explore! We had to be SOOOO quiet so the animals didn't run from us when we found them!

Adam found the Monkey who was hiding by the bathrooms!

Jencie spotted the Tiger by the Music Room and Computer Lab!

Htoo, Dylan, and Josie found our Hippo hiding in the Kindergarten Wing!

Pran Moo found the Elephant relaxing in the Library!

Nolan and Jeselyn caught our Zebra helping Mrs. Williams in the Office!

Finally! Hylton, Zuhra, Wyatt, and Jonathan found our last animal, the Lion, waiting for the next meal in the Commons/Cafeteria!

We made it back to our room just in time to get ready to go home, all the animals are home safe in our classroom!

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